Letras Web

I Take About For You

Laura Port

6 acessos

The life is the world 3 x
the-life-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis -is-the-woooooooooooorrd
I was taken I stop
close to you hãhãm
the day I am today
The moment is now
My life waaaas
taaaken stops
close to your
You make my heaaart ! to blow up
My hair to fly and my eye also hãhã
I was taken I stop close to you
You me to love make you
You make me love you 3x
And I love this 3x
And makes me to you to fly until its heart
The moment is now
the day I am today
and i love this it hãhãm

Top Letras de Laura Port

  1. I Take About For You
  2. I do Not Understand
  3. You Sing This Music
  4. Mexico, Rich Port, Perhaps Or Paris Ooo
  5. I Kill And Eat
  6. I Tried, Believe
  7. I Was Lost In Your Eyes
  8. Nine Hours
  9. You Have Not Been Approved
  10. Something Wrong With Me?