Letras Web

The Waiting Zone


3 acessos

In The School Of This Present Day
Kids're Informed To Look Out For Aids
But No One Says Not A Single Word
'Bout A Change Of Lifestyles And Ways

Listen Prophets Of This Modern Day
Maybe Sometime You Could Be Wrong
'Cause What You Preach
Someone Else Must Reap
This Generation Next To Come

Learn Protection Break Out Of Line
Save The Action For The Holy Time
Called Old Fashioned
But It's More Like Timeless Information
But We Can't Just Educate All Things Away

Staying Away Save Your Life All The Way
It's Not True You Will Not Be Alone
Dare To Say No Peer Pressure Must Go
Stay Alive In The I'm Waiting Zone

Top Letras de Jerusalem

  2. Crown The King
  3. Warrior
  4. Dialogue (Between One Person)
  5. Risen
  6. Amos 5
  7. In His Majesty's Service
  8. Tomorrow
  9. Usa, Kina & Sovjet
  10. Calling On