Letras Web



7 acessos

When I Was A Little Boy
I Had My Special Place To Get My Icecream
And The Lady At The Candystore
Was Always So Nice To Me
When I Was Old Enough For School
I Remembered They Picked On Me
Because I Had Red Hair And Freckles On My Face
And I Always Was Wondering
What Was Behind The Clouds
And If God Had A House To Live In
In Cold Winter Nights

He's No Longer In His Grave
He's Risen From The Dead

And When I Was Thirteen
I Started To Play In Different Bands
We Tried To Be The Beatles
And I Didn't Do So Hot In School
I Didn't Care And Too Much About Anything
I Started To Use Drugs
The Devil He Worked Hard On Me
But One Day There Was Jesus Knocking On My Door
Asking Do You Want To Be A Singer In My Band

He's No Longer...

Top Letras de Jerusalem

  2. Crown The King
  3. Warrior
  4. Dialogue (Between One Person)
  5. Risen
  6. Amos 5
  7. In His Majesty's Service
  8. Tomorrow
  9. Usa, Kina & Sovjet
  10. Calling On