Letras Web

Unknown Land Of Silence

Forgotten Sunrise

3 acessos

Open the door to the world
Where the silence rules
Where the eternal silence rules
You'll have no more to be afraid
And all will be good against you
All will be good against you

The christal drops fall instead of rain
The angels spinkle then from their cups
You'll have to live on...
...in the world of pain

But there will come the time when you'll leave
You'll leave this world and a new one you'll see

At present you're here
And row in your time
And for ages and ages
It goes on the same

But there will come the time when you'll leave
You'll leave this world and a new one you'll see

A new one where you can enjoy the silence
When you've left behind noise, pollution and violence

Your time hasn't come yet
On this dorr you can't knock

Top Letras de Forgotten Sunrise

  1. My First Day Was My Birthday
  2. Outumnyo:nic
  3. Please Disconnect Me
  4. Enjoyment Of Sunrise
  5. (Life) 24h
  6. Crist Your Name
  7. Over The Deathbringer Stars
  8. Ode To The Depressice Timedance
  9. Whatsoever
  10. K-Os Tik-Tak