Letras Web

Crist Your Name

Forgotten Sunrise

4 acessos

The hate I feel
Will change your fate
These lies you mean
We´ll desecrate

The rubber heaven
The plastic hell
Nobody wants
Your handmade god you sell

The mind should crush
Your wicked race
The world would be
A better place

The flame is growing
You´ll burn in shame
I blame you - sucker
For christ your name

Top Letras de Forgotten Sunrise

  1. My First Day Was My Birthday
  2. Outumnyo:nic
  3. Please Disconnect Me
  4. Enjoyment Of Sunrise
  5. (Life) 24h
  6. Crist Your Name
  7. Over The Deathbringer Stars
  8. Ode To The Depressice Timedance
  9. Whatsoever
  10. K-Os Tik-Tak