Letras Web

Into Flesh I Was Born

Forgotten Sunrise

3 acessos

Divinely on oath for virtues I plead
The power forever remains below me
Divienly on oath for virtues I plead
Using my last opportunity
My soul is so impure and dark
That ravens thought me one of them
Tormenting thoughts still chase my mind
And I don´t know how this will end
I would let heaven fall apart
And hell to be destroyed
And people to die out so there
Would be much less of noise
Amalgamate all gods to one
Who then would suite my soul
What rapture - free would be the way to much a greater goal
Absolution out of hand
Soul of mine is black and damp

Top Letras de Forgotten Sunrise

  1. My First Day Was My Birthday
  2. Outumnyo:nic
  3. Please Disconnect Me
  4. Enjoyment Of Sunrise
  5. (Life) 24h
  6. Crist Your Name
  7. Over The Deathbringer Stars
  8. Ode To The Depressice Timedance
  9. Whatsoever
  10. K-Os Tik-Tak