Letras Web


Withering Surface

4 acessos

Sundive - these monumental wings surround us, take us into its claws
Sundive - we steal kisses, hunting, wild from ourselves
Sundive - Kisses meant to be given, forgiven to vulturous passion

We dive into it claws
And let green walls bow
Unto electric grounds
Bow to an industrual surface

Sundive - shining. Let's get out of these wet clothes, and dive into the sun
Sundive - let's get feverish and force this monumental dive to be our spirit

Sundive - these monumental wings surround us, take us into its claws
Sundive - let's how into electric grounds and let green walls be industrial

Let's continue into an overdose of sun...

Sundive - shining. Let's get out of these wet clothes, and dive into the sun
Sundive - now when we got out of these we clothes we dive, we dive, we dive into the sun
Dive - we dive turther up to the sun, we get burnt by your fucking sun
Sundive - we were meant to be given, given into a surface of light

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  6. Force The Pace
  7. Suite 304
  8. ...And She Blossomed
  9. Anything Goes
  10. Nude & Humble