Letras Web

Gama Bomb

Gama Bomb tem o estilo Indefinido e suas músicas de sucesso são: "Return of the Technodrome", "In the Court of General Zod", "Hammer Slammer".

334 acessos

Todas as Letras

  1. Apocalypse 1997
  2. Atomizer
  3. Backwards Bible
  4. Beverly Hills Robocop
  5. Bullet Belt
  6. Evil Voices
  7. Final Fight
  8. Fortified Zone
  9. Global Warning
  10. Hammer Slammer
  11. Hell Trucker
  12. In the Court of General Zod
  13. Last Ninjas Unite
  14. Legend Of Speed
  15. Matrioshka Brain
  16. Metal Idiot
  17. Mummy Invasion
  18. New Eliminators of Atlantis B.C.
  19. Nuke the Skeets
  20. OCP
  21. Racists!
  22. Return of the Technodrome
  23. Return To Blood Castle
  24. Scientists?
  25. Sentenced to Thrash
  26. Shitting Yourself To Live
  27. Skellington Crew
  28. Slam Anthem
  29. Smoke The Blow With Willem Dafoe
  30. Space Invaders
  31. Steel Teeth (The Metal Jaw)
  32. Terrorscope
  33. The Wrong Stuff
  34. Thrashaholic
  35. Three Witches
  36. Time Crime
  37. We Respect You
  38. Wrecking Ball
  39. Zombi Brew
  40. Zombie Blood Nightmare
  41. Zombie Creeping Flesh
  42. Zombie Kommand