Letras Web

Lucid Fairytale (Napalm Death)

Forgarður Helvítis

7 acessos

Delude yourself with the notion
That life's viewed defiantly through your eye
Subconsciously following the flock
From which appearance is the only exemption

The stagnant illusion of change
Concealed behind your disguise

What's perspicious on the surface
Is artificial inside
When views are merely symbolic
Of an image you hide behind

The stagnant illusion of change
Concealed behind your disguise

Top Letras de Forgarður Helvítis

  1. Þú ert ekki til (You do not exist)
  2. Guð er stærsta lygi í heimi (God is the biggest lie in the World)
  3. Heilalínuritið er á núlli (Brain activity Zero)
  4. Gelding óskhyggjunnar (Castration of Wishful Thinking)
  5. Guð er Stærsta Lygi í Heimi
  6. Hey tussa (Yo cunt)
  7. Án þess að Depla Auga (Without Blinking an Eye)
  8. Krossfest Börn (Crucified Children)
  9. Baráttusöngur (The Song of Fight)
  10. Heljarslóð (Path to Hell)