Letras Web

Of Battles Unseen I

Forever Winter

2 acessos

And I beheld a pale rider appear on the top of the hill from nowhere
In his hand he held a great hammer of war and an iron shield was slung on his back

And I saw how the battle raged in the valley below and I could hear the cries
And the agony of those who were slain in the heat of the battle and I saw the blood

A pale rider on a pitch black horse
Messenger of upcoming doom
Wielding a great hammer of war
Under which all shall yield

Suddenly behind the lone rider appeared a small troop of bold warriors,
First I thought that they had come to take his life but soon I realised

A pale rider on a pitch black horse
Messenger of upcoming doom
Wielding a great hammer of war
Under which all shall yield

That they all bore the same colours as the first rider.
Without warning I saw the rider rising his hammer into the air screaming his warcry.
The others did the same and down to the battle they rode
The others did the same and down to the battle they rode

Top Letras de Forever Winter

  1. Fruta Citrica
  2. To My Enemies
  3. Of Battles Unseen II
  4. Grim Is The Face Of Death
  5. In Metal We Trust
  6. Heroes Slain Of Battle
  7. Heritage in Blood
  8. Black Devil Mountain
  9. 12 Gauge Solution
  10. Shining Armours (The Scarlet Battalions Part I)