Letras Web


Forever Storm

2 acessos

The night falls around my heart
The dark engraves another scar
Every time wondering
Why is this happening
The gates open a path in lies
To land of dust and polluted skies
The dread imprisons my darken mind
Letting loose the ties that bind

More it hurts to feel the pain
Knowing you are causing it
I'm losing you, losing myself
To this demon called vanity
Everyday more and die
Killing what keeps me alive

Once again the new day dawns
Weary I take a hit of reality
But now I know you bleed the same
I'll keep you safe and kill you in the end
Amazingly you see the future
While you're destroying it

Top Letras de Forever Storm

  1. It Rains
  2. For You
  3. Soul Revolution
  4. Storm
  5. Once Again
  6. The Outcast
  7. Nocturnal Wings
  8. Battle Cry
  9. Forever The Same
  10. Carry On The Flame