Letras Web

Interuterine Dilemms


7 acessos

-It's our world.

We are living here for all times.

-You've made mistake. It is an error.
It's a prelude to our lives.
We're in membrane which covers us.
Opening is a door.

We are spirits with the substance.
Keeping from living is nonsense.

So we will be great creatures.
This damned place is only prison.
If we want to see a real nature,
we must go out for rising.

-We'll die.
Don't lie.
-Don't you fear?
-I'm bold
I know...
-Believe me, dear.
-...that death is there.
-Don't get a scare.
Believe that we'll live.

I will never let you change my mind.
But I know that I am always right.
You must to know that umbilical cord holds us.
But we'll be checked only by judging.

-Let's go out. We'll lose nothing.
I will go first. You'll follow me...
It is a pain! Please rescue me!
I can not survive.
I am dying but you're living.
I've got death and you've got life!

Top Letras de Fleshgore

  1. Severe Pain
  2. Domain of Death
  3. Interuterine Dilemms
  4. Crackdown
  5. Infernal Earth
  6. Devoured by Helminthes
  7. Prepare to Die
  8. Sky Funeral
  9. The Plague
  10. Vengeance Expectation