Letras Web

Seinnidh Mi Dn Simple

Fiona Blackburn

8 acessos

I'll sing a song to everyone who will
listen for a while with kindness. If my
music pleases you, it is I who'll be contented
and satisfied, indeed, as I should be.
Seinnidh mi dadhuibh, dabeag aighearach,
Seinnidh mi dale aoibhneas,
Seinnidh mi da daris a h-uile duin'
Dh'adeas rium greiseag le caoibhneas.
Ma chaos mo cheriubh, 's mis a bhios toilicht'
Is soicht' gu dearbh mar bu chadhomh.

Top Letras de Fiona Blackburn

  1. Ca the Yowes
  2. Seinnidh Mi Dn Simple
  3. When Your Daddy Comes Home From The Sea
  4. Dear Harp Of My Country
  5. Ho! Mo Leannan
  6. Nadu Nadudu
  7. She's Like The Swallow
  8. Clapping Song
  9. Lewis Bridal Song : Mairi's Wedding
  10. Land Of Passages