Letras Web

Cadaver Ecogenics

Cadaver Ecogenics tem o estilo Indefinido e suas músicas de sucesso são: "Burn Down The House Of Christ", "My Face In Your Grandma's Shitty Ass", "What It Is".

271 acessos

Todas as Letras

  1. Brain Flavored Slerpy
  2. Burn Down The House Of Christ
  3. Concatenation
  4. Drink My Left Ball Sweat And Chew On My Dinkle Berries
  5. Emo Rock Anthem 2006
  6. Evil Minds
  7. Lovily Housing For Killers
  8. My Face In Your Grandma's Shitty Ass
  9. My Face In Your Grandma's Shitty Ass
  10. Party At The Morgue
  11. Playing Simon Says With Satan
  12. Satanic End
  13. Saw Her Face Off
  14. Snuff Film Whore
  15. Thy Bone Butt Dildo
  16. Vaginal Puke Bag
  17. Virgin Of The Kill
  18. What It Is