Letras Web

Blueline Medic

Blueline Medic tem o estilo Forró e suas músicas de sucesso são: "Somnambulist", "Exit Strategy", "The Moment Hasn't Come".

134 acessos

Todas as Letras

  1. At Least We Had A War
  2. Cathedral
  3. Cotton Oriental Pants
  4. Exit Strategy
  5. From The Loft
  6. Loss
  7. Making The Noveau Riche
  8. Not Interested
  9. Over The Lawn
  10. Perfect Son
  11. Plight 217
  12. Scotch In The Clown
  13. Shopping With A Cartesian
  14. Shuffle And Scrape
  15. Sleepyhead
  16. Somnambulist
  17. Swan Song Wwan Dive
  18. Text Bomb
  19. The cheat
  20. The Moment Hasn't Come
  21. They'll Let You Know
  22. Up Against The Fault
  23. Upright
  24. Welcome Paradox
  25. Where You Are
  26. Write Us