Letras Web

Searching Is Killing Me

Bad Cash Quartet

7 acessos

Back to My Shoolyard
And Back to Were We Began
I Know You Thought You Won
But We Knew We Were Right
And You Were Wrong
Dreaming of Something
Far Away From Home
Cause You Have Seen the World
From Postcards On Your Wall
In Your Room
This Feeling Never Leaves Me
Yeah I've Been Watching You
So If You Ask Me If You Care
No I Won't Lay On Your Grave Yard
Sometimes Shutting You Out
And Sometimes I'm Giving You All
No I Don't
Know Where to Go
Cause Everone Is Alone
Sometimes Shutting You Out
And Sometimes I'm Giving You All
No I Don't
Know Where to Go
Cause Everone Is Alone
Always Something Missing
And Searching Is Killing Me
I'm Always Chasing Shadows
So Don't You Ever Count
On Me
There Are Always Something Missing
And Searching Is Killing Me
I'm Always Chasing Shadows
So Don't You Ever Count
On Me

Top Letras de Bad Cash Quartet

  1. Dirty Days
  2. I Care About You All
  3. Freeze Out
  4. Searching Is Killing Me
  5. Big Day Coming
  6. Monday Morning
  7. Nights Are Mine
  8. Shy Lips
  9. I Don't Hesitate to Say Who I Hate
  10. Heart Attack