Letras Web


Dessa tem o estilo Indefinido e suas músicas de sucesso são: "Lipad Ng Pangarap", "551", "Into The Spin".

56 acessos

Todas as Letras

  1. 551
  2. Annabelle
  3. Beekeeper
  4. Call Off Your Ghost
  5. Children's Work
  6. Dixon's Girl
  7. Dutch
  8. Fighting Fish
  9. Go Home
  10. I'm Going Down
  11. Into The Spin
  12. Lipad Ng Pangarap
  13. Matches To Paper Dolls
  14. Momento Mori
  15. Poor Atlas
  16. Seamstress
  17. The Bullpen
  18. The Chaconne
  19. The Crow
  20. The Man I Knew
  21. Warsaw