Letras Web


Makrothumia tem o estilo Indefinido e suas músicas de sucesso são: "The Need. Appearing Yourself Througth Into The Other.", "Celebrating Thee. A Drowing Down The Sun Ritual.", "The Spirituality Of The Prostituition. Masculin Domination Against Alterity.".

58 acessos

Todas as Letras

  1. A Sense-Alization Of Your Own-Not-Owned (Your Own Interior Own)
  2. Celebrating Thee. A Drowing Down The Sun Ritual.
  3. Conquering The Lack Of Relations... The Vague... To Unify
  4. Sinagogic curse.
  5. The Archetypes. Patterns Of Behaveor.
  6. The Need. Appearing Yourself Througth Into The Other.
  7. The Spirituality Of The Prostituition. Masculin Domination Against Alterity.